Android App: Expense Manager

DatabaseNoSQLAndroid DevelopmentFLutterFirebase

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Welcome to our Expense Manager App! This Flutter application helps you track your weekly expenses with ease. Whether you're budgeting for groceries, bills, or leisure activities, our app has you covered.


  • Date Picker: Easily select the date for each expense entry.
  • Expense Entry: Add the name and price of your expense against the selected date.
  • List View: View a list of your expenses, organized by date, for easy tracking.
  • Delete Button: Each entry in the list has a delete button for removing unwanted expenses.

Concepts Learned

Date Picker

Flutter's date picker widget allows users to select dates with ease, enhancing the user experience when entering expenses against specific dates.

Row and Column Widgets with Action Button

By utilizing row and column widgets along with action buttons, we've designed a user-friendly interface for adding and managing expense entries.

Locking Device Orientation

We've implemented device orientation locking to ensure a consistent user experience across different devices, preventing unwanted screen rotations.

Responsive UI Practices

Our app follows responsive UI practices to ensure that it looks and functions seamlessly across various screen sizes and orientations.